Ahern, Ed
Ed Ahern resumed writing after forty odd years in foreign intelligence and international sales. He’s had four hundred fifty stories and poems published so far, and seven books. Ed works the other side of writing at Bewildering Stories, where he manages a posse of eight review editors. He’s also lead editor at The Scribes Micro Fiction magazine.
Alapati, Sophia
Sophia Alapati (she/her) grew up in a public library and has been hooked on books since her first storytime. She is a therapist specializing in body-focused repetitive behaviors, anxiety, and OCD-related disorders. Her previous work appears in The Razor and Uncharted Magazine literary journals. In 2022, her coauthored novel was longlisted for The Times/Chicken House Books Children’s Fiction Competition. Sophia lives in Baltimore with a cat who doesn’t like her and a queerplatonic partner who does. She can be found online at
Allingham, LCW
LCW Allingham is an author, editor, musician and artist from the Philadelphia area, where she collects art, pets, and plants. Her short stories can be found in anthologies of horror and fantasy, but recently she has worked most extensively as an editor for the Collection of Utter Speculation series.
Anderson, Barth
Author of The Patron Saint of Plagues and The Magician and the Fool.
Anderson, BJ
Contributing author.
Anderson, Jarod
Jarod K. Anderson is a writer of speculative and horror fiction. His poems and stories have appeared in numerous online and print publications. Growing up, he wanted to be either a ninja or a maple tree. These aspirations led him to teach English. Find him online at:
Andrews, Peter
Peter Andrews has written articles about science, innovation and computers. He has worked as a speechwriter, a radio producer, a research chemist and a consultant. He loves exploring the interface between technology and society. Ever since he polished up that oil lamp he found in a trash heap, he's been selling short stories as fast as he can write them.
Arch, Jasmine
Jasmine Arch is a writer and poet living in a green little nook of Belgian countryside with two elderly horses, entirely too many dogs, and a husband who knows better than to distract her when she's writing. When not spinning tales of her own, there's a good chance she's narrating other people's stories, or working on some podcast episode or another. Her work has appeared in places such as The Other Stories podcast, Bards & Sages Quarterly, and Find out more about her or her projects at
Astruck, RJ
RJ Astruc's fiction has appeared in a bajillion places including Strange Horizons, Abyss & Apex, and Midnight Echo. Her latest novel is A Festival of Skeletons, available from Crossed Genres.
Atkinson, Dor
Dor Atkinson is a storyteller at heart who lives on the Central California Coast with her endlessly patient spouse and wildly creative 6-year-old. She’s a professional theatre director teaching at multiple universities and in recent years has found great joy in writing fantasy novels and short stories. You can find Dor at and on Twitter @AtkinsonDor.
Austin, Michael
Michael Allen Austin is an author and illustrator from Atlanta. He has produced content for leading publishers, such as Clarion and Scholastic, with over 300,000 books sold. Honors for his work include:
o The Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles Gold Award
o Texas Bluebonnet Award
o An Amazon Best Book of the Year
Ayers, Rachel
Rachel Ayers lives in Alaska, where she writes and hosts shows for Sweet Cheeks Cabaret. She has a Master’s in Library and Information Science, which comes in handy at odd hours. She dabbles with oil painting, knitting, and making burlesque costumes. Her fiction appears in Metaphorosis, Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet, Radon Journal, and the anthology Fall into Fantasy, and she is a regular contributor at She shares speculative poetry and flash fiction (and cat pictures) at
Balder, Bo
Bo Balder is a freelance writer who lives and works in the ancient Dutch city of Utrecht, close to Amsterdam. When she isn't writing, you can find her madly designing knitwear, painting or reading anything and everything from Kate Elliott to Iain M. Banks or Jared Diamond.
Her fiction has appeared in Penumbra, The Colored Lens and quite a few anthologies. Her sf novel The Wan will be published in 2015 by Pink Narcissus Press.
She can be found on the web at
Barber, David
Contributing author.
Devan Barlow is the author of An Uncommon Curse, a novel of fairy tales and musical theatre. Her short fiction and poetry have appeared in several anthologies and magazines. She can be found at her website or on Bluesky She reads voraciously, and can often be found hanging out with her dog, drinking tea, and thinking about sea monsters.
Barnham, Chris
Since his debut many years ago in the late-lamented Pan Book of Horror, Chris Barnham has published a series of horror and SF stories. Recent credits include Compelling SF, Interzone, Black Static, and indeed Electric Spec (November 2016).
His time travel love story novel, Fifty-One, is out now from Filles Vertes Publishing. He lives in London and used to work for the government but now makes stuff up for himself. You can find him at or on Twitter: @barnham_chris
Barnson, Jay
Jay Barnson is a writer, software engineer, and an award-winning video game developer. He has written for The Escapist and Cirsova magazines, has been published in several anthologies, and was the winner of the 2016 DragonComet writing award. A transplant to Utah, Jay was born in the hills of West Virginia, and uses the word "ya'll" by choice, not by habit.
His website / blog is Tales of the Rampant Coyote:
Barrass, Glynn Owen
Glynn lives in the North East of England and has been writing since late 2006. He's written over two hundred short stories, novellas, and role-playing game supplements, the majority of which have been published in France, Germany, Japan, Poland, Portugal, the UK, and the USA.
Baumann, Joe
Joe Baumann's fiction and essays have appeared in Barrelhouse, Zone 3, Hawai'i Review, Eleven Eleven, and many others. He is the author of Ivory Children, published in 2013 by Red Bird Chapbooks. He possesses a Ph.D. in English from the University of Louisiana-Lafayette and teaches composition, creative writing, and literature at St. Charles Community College in Cottleville, Missouri. He has been nominated for three Pushcart Prizes and was recently nominated for inclusion in Best American Short Stories 2016.
Bhatt, Meenakshi
Meenakshi Bhatt lives in India. She writes a blog on Medium and likes writing poetry, short stories, and essays. Her writing has appeared in Cornice magazine, IHRAF Publishes, NonBinary Review and We Have Food At Home.
For more info: .
Bilsborough, Mark
Mark's website is
Bizzell, James
James Bizzell lives in the subtropical outskirts of Atlanta with his wife and two little ones. In the last six years he has eked out drafts of two novels and written a few short stories. He can be reached at or on Twitter, @jamesbizzell.
Blaylock, Sidney, Jr.
Sidney is a beginning PhD student in English and Graduate Teaching Assistant in the English Department at Middle Tennessee State University. He has previously worked as a Library Assistant, Adjunct Instructor, Bookseller, and 6th Grade Language Arts Teacher. He is an avid reader of Science Fiction and Fantasy and writes creatively in those genres as well.
Sidney's most recent publication is a Sci-Fi story, "WarLight," in the upcoming anthology, Visions VI: Galaxies., Ed. by Carrol Fix (November 2016). Previous publications (in print via include the Sci-Fi story, "Ship of Shadows," in the anthology Visions IV: Space Between Stars, Ed. by Carrol Fix (April 2016), a fantasy story, "Faerie Knight," which appeared in the anthology Fae, Ed. by Rhonda Parrish (July 2014), and which was selected for inclusion on Tangent Online's 2014 Recommended Reading List, and a fantasy short-story entitled, "Dragonhawk," in the magazine Tales of the Talisman (Winter 2013 issue), Ed. by David Lee Summers.
You can find more about Sidney (including a complete bibliography of his works) at his blog: OtherWorlds (
Blaylock, Zoë
Zoë Blaylock’s work appeared or is forthcoming in The Examined Life Journal of the University of Iowa School of Medicine, the other side of hope: journeys in refugee and immigrant literature, La Piccioletta Barca, and other publications. She can be reached via
Blount, S. Hutson
S. Hutson Blout has worked with nuclear propulsion systems, robotic laser welders, and mutant cats, but as yet no cybernetic tanks. He lives in the San Francisco Bay area with a wife who tolerates his foolishness to an alarming degree.
Boden, Derrick
Derrick Boden is the author of "Chasing Frisbees." His website is
Bondoni, Gustavo
Gustavo Bondoni is a novelist and short story writer with over five hundred stories published in fifteen countries, in seven languages. He has published several science fiction novels including two trilogies, six monster books, a dark military fantasy and a thriller. His short fiction is collected in Thin Air (2023), Pale Reflection (2020), Off the Beaten Path (2019), Tenth Orbit and Other Faraway Places (2010) and Virtuoso and Other Stories (2011).
In 2019, Gustavo was awarded second place in the Jim Baen Memorial Contest and in 2018 he received a Judges Commendation (and second place) in The James White Award. He was also a 2019 finalist in the Writers of the Future Contest.
His website is at
Bonanno, Dawn
Dawn Bonanno lives in the Chicago suburbs with her family, where she works as a real estate paralegal. She's into fitness, cooking, and baking. She suffers from an obsession with pens, paper and fixing things, so it only makes sense that she writes stories. She is a graduate of the Viable Paradise writing workshop. Her short fiction has appeared in Nature, Daily Science Fiction, and Fireside Fiction. When her feline overlords allow, she blogs about her writing journey at
Boston, Bruce
Contributing author.
Bourassa, Tyler
I've been an avid reader of fantasy since I was 10 years old and have been writing short stories for the last year. I live with my wife and feral cat in the Canadian prairies, where I enjoy writing, reading, and slaying monsters in video games. This will be my first time being published.
Bowden, Maureen
Maureen Bowden is a Liverpudlian, living in Wales with her musician husband. She has had 191 stories and poems accepted by paying markets, she was nominated for the 2015 international Pushcart Prize, and in 2019 Hiraeth Books published an anthology of her stories, 'Whispers of Magic.' They plan to publish an anthology of her poems in the near future. She also writes song lyrics, mostly comic political satire, set to traditional melodies. Her husband has performed these in folk music clubs throughout the UK. She loves her family and friends, rock 'n' roll, Shakespeare, and cats
Bowles, David
David Bowles is a Mexican-American author from deep south Texas, where he teaches at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. Recipient of awards from the American Library Association, the Texas Institute of Letters and the Texas Associated Press, he has written eleven books, most recently Chupacabra Vengeance. His work has also been published in venues like Strange Horizons, Apex Magazine, Stupefying Stories, Eye to the Telescope and Rattle. You can learn more about him at or on Twitter @DavidOBowles
Boyette, Samantha
Samantha Boyette lives in Upstate NY and works in the wine industry when she isn't writing. She was the 2010 co-winner in their fiction contest and her most recent short story can be found in the Winter 2011-2012 issue of the Red Penny Papers. You can read more of her work at and find her book Morning Rising for sale on Amazon, B&N, and
Brand, Graham
Graham Brand trained as a metallurgist, casting gold bars in Zambia before returning to the UK and drama school. He spent ten years in the theatre, as an actor, musician and musical director, before becoming a father and switching to IT project management, which has taken him round the world. He now lives in the Yorkshire Dales and blogs far less frequently than he should at
Brasher, Melinda
Melinda Brasher spends her time writing, traveling, and teaching English abroad. She loves the sound of glaciers calving and the smell of old books. Her short fiction appears in Enchanted Conversation, Ellipsis Literature and Art, On the Premises, and others. Check out Far-Knowing, her YA fantasy novel, or visit her online at
Breyfogle, Jim
Jim Breyfogle is a graduate the Odyssey Writing Workshop. He currently resides in Pennsylvania gathering an army of terra-cotta warriors with which to aggravate his English Mastiff. Thus far, the dog still wins.
Brock, Daniel
Daniel Brock is a young writer of horror, dark sci-fi, and urban fantasy. He currently lives in a small town in South Carolina where he divides his time between working, writing, and trying to write at work. His stories have been part of Migla Press's "Darkness Abound" and 9Tales "9Tales from Elsewhere #4."
Brookes, David
David Brookes is a writer of mainstream and genre fiction currently living in the UK. He has stories published in many magazines including Pantechnicon, Bewildering Stories, Whispering Spirits, Morpheus Tales, The Cynic and Aphelion. His fiction has appeared in printed anthologies, most recently Skull & Crossbones from Bedazzled Inc. His first novel, Half Discovered Wings, was published internationally by Libros International in 2009. Read more about his work at his website ( or blog (
Brooks, L.V.
L.V. Brooks is a short story writer who hopes to one day have a good novel to her name. Unlike Mordin, she has no pets, though she does have two adorable offspring. She lives in Canada.
Brown, Nigel
Nigel Brown's stories have appeared in various magazines and anthologies, including Clarkesworld and Interzone, and in The Year's Best SF 9 (edited by Hartwell and Cramer). He lives and writes near London.
Brown, Tiffany Michelle
Tiffany Michelle Brown is an archer, Aikido practitioner, whisky enthusiast, and writer who lives near the sunny beaches of San Diego, California. Tiffany has published short stories with Liars' League NYC, Shooter Literary Magazine, Romance Magazine, Popcorn Press, and Line by Lion Publications. To follow her adventures, check out
Bundy, Erik
Erik Bundy lives in the magical North Carolina woods where chocolate is a vegetable, female chipmunks are called chipnuns, and mice claiming to be cousins move in for the winter then take the towels when they leave in spring. The federal government pays him not to work in one of their offices. His fantasy fiction appeared last year in Paradigm Shift, Tales of the Talisman, Abyss & Apex, Aoife's Kiss, and Bards and Sages.
Campbell, Shelly
At a young age, Shelly Campbell wanted to be an air show pilot or a pirate, possibly a dragon and definitely a writer and artist. She's piloted a Cessna 172 through spins and stalls, and sailed up the east coast on a tall ship barque--mostly without projectile vomiting. In the end, Shelly found writing fantasy and drawing dragons to be so much easier on the stomach.
If you enjoy armchair adventures or whimsical art, visit for some free printable art bookmarks and exclusive short stories. Shelly would love to connect with you at:
Campbell, Tyree
The author has published a score or so of novels and novellas, and scores of short stories since his first story appeared auspiciously on 1 January 2000. He writes the Bombay Sapphire superheroine series for Pro Se Press. Although he primarily writes science fiction, this present story is a fantasy. You can check out his comments on the Electric Spec blog. He resides in the Southwest with two husky mixes who keep him in shape--more or less. Retired from the U.S. Army, he is now the managing editor of Hiraeth Publishing.
Carothers, Dale
Contributing author
Carstairs, Neil
Neil Carstairs can be reached at .
Chan, W.M.
W. M. Chan is a proud pantser writer; it's fun to be able to surprise yourself. Her stories can be found in the following anthologies: Beneath the Misty Surface PUB518), Growth, (TL;DR Press), Transitions (Epoch Press) and Fudoki Magazine. @ChanScribe is on twitter and FB.
Chapman, Jason K.
Contributing author.
Clark, Michael A.
Michael A. Clark's work has been published in Galaxy’s Edge, Ab Terra, Liquid Imagination, Mystery Weekly Magazine, Gypsum Sound Tales anthologies Colp and Thuggish Itch, Tales from the Moonlit Path, Cosmic Horror Magazine, the benefit anthology Burning Love and Bleeding Hearts, Black Hare Press and Ab Terra. Clark's work also appears in History Through Fiction ,Twenty Two Twenty Eight and Dark Matter Magazine, Issue 016. His novella "Are One" has been published by Water Dragon Publishing, and his short story, "The Final Shot" appears at
Clark lives in Charlotte, NC, and currently works in industrial automation while spending as much time as he can outdoors. He likes baseball and writes short stories and music because that’s what he does. His email handle is:
Cleden, David
David Cleden lives in the UK, works in London and is the 2016 winner of the James White Award, having previously published work in Electric Spec, Betwixt, The Colored Lens and other venues. His day job is writing business proposals but at the weekend he writes science fiction. He can't stress enough how important it is not to muddle them up. He can be reached at and is @DavidCleden on Twitter.
Cohen, Lane
Lane is a lawyer and lives in Parker, Colorado with his wife, Barbara, three horses - BLT, Gus, and Dallas, his dog Ollie, and Cady, his fascinating barn cat. Over the years, Lane has published numerous short-stories. His most recent is "Best's Laid Plans", included in the Nov 2014 edition of Electric Spec, in which The Beatles original drummer, Pete Best, travels back in time to prevent being fired by The Beatles. Works in progress: "Anthem," a road-trip comedy in which a man is challenged to sing the national anthem at all 30 major-league baseball parks within 60 days; "Below Par," where a young man goes from non-golfer to a touring pro within nine months, and; "Under the Rim, Beneath the Goalposts, and Into the Dirt" - a non-fiction narrative compilation of the incredibly stupid off-the-field antics of basketball, football, and baseball players.
Corner, Jason L.
Jason L. Corner lives in Columbus, Ohio, with his wife and daughter. He teaches English at the Ohio State University at Newark, and is currently at work on a novel. He has ninja-level powers over tofu and tempeh, and can be reached at .
Cox, Stefani
Stefani Cox is a speculative fiction writer and poet based in Los Angeles, as well as an MFA candidate in UC Riverside's creative writing program. Stefani's work has been published to LeVar Burton Reads, Speculative City, and the anthology Black from the Future, among other outlets. She has received fellowships to Hedgebrook and VONA, and previously served as an associate editor at PodCastle. Find her on Twitter @stefanicox or her website
Crawford, Richard S.
Richard S. Crawford lives, writes, and works in an ancient and drafty house in northern California, along with his wife and five somewhat normal cats. He likes to see ordinary people deal with extraordinary circumstances, and that's what he tends to write about. Find out more about him at his website: .
Crooks, Morgan
Morgan Crooks grew up in a hamlet in Upstate New York and now teaches ancient history in Massachusetts. Links to his stories are available on the Ancient Logic website ( He lives with his wife, Lauren, near Boston.
Crow, Jennifer
Jennifer Crow's work has appeared in a number of print and electronic venues, including poetry in Strange Horizons and Goblin Fruit, and fiction in DAW Books' Ages of Wonder anthology. She lives near a waterfall in western New York state.
Crowell, Benjamin
Contributing author.
Daley, Mary J.
Author Mary J. Daley can be reached at
Daley, Ray
Ray Daley was born in Coventry & still lives there. He served 6 yrs in the RAF as a clerk & spent most of his time in a Hobbit hole in High Wycombe. He is a published poet & has been writing stories since he was 10. His current dream is to eventually finish the Hitch Hikers fanfic novel he's been writing since 1986. Tweet him @RayDaleyWriter
D'Amico, D.A.
D. A. D'Amico takes his writing far too seriously. He allows his characters to walk all over him, making demands in loud voices, eating all the chips, and wrecking up the joint. If it weren't for their typing skills, he'd throw the bunch of them out. He's had more nearly ninety works published in the last decade in venues such as Analog, Daily Science Fiction, and Shock Totem. He's a winner of L. Ron Hubbard's prestigious Writers of the Future award, volume XXVII, as well as the 2017 Write Well award.
Danay, Brant
Information about author Brant Danay can be found at his Facebook account at and my MySpace account at
Daniels, Gillian
Since attending the 2011 Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy
Workshop, Gillian Daniels' poetry and short fiction have appeared in
Nightmare Magazine, Strange Horizons, and Beneath Ceaseless Skies,
among more than thirty other publications. She was born in Des Moines,
Iowa, grew up in Greater Cleveland, Ohio, and she now writes, works,
and haunts the streets in the Boston area of Massachusetts. She also
makes comics and zines, searches out little-known horror and indie
movies, and definitely wants to see pictures of your cat.
Davidson, Bill
Bill Davidson is a Scottish writer of mainly horror and fantasy. In the last few years, he has placed over thirty short stories with publications around the world including Electric Spec 2018. His story 'A Brief Moment of Rage' has just been selected for Ellen Datlow's Best Horror of the Year Anthology Volume 11, out in September. He has also written three novels over the same time frame, but it's harder finding publishers for the bigger stuff! Find him on or @bill_davidson57
Davies, Barbara
Contributing author.
Davies, Neil
Neil Davies was born in 1959 and has found everything else to be an uphill struggle. He currently lives in the North West of England with his wife, two grown-up children and two cats. Any spare time he can find he spends writing Science Fiction and Horror stories.
You can find him at and
Dawson, Robert
Robert Dawson teaches mathematics at a Nova Scotian university. When not teaching, doing research, or writing, he enjoys fencing, hiking, and cycling. His stories have appeared in Nature Futures, Year's Best Military and Adventure SF, Compostela: Tesseracts XX, and numerous other periodicals and anthologies. He is an alumnus of Cambridge University, Sage Hill, and Viable Paradise.
DeHaan, Laura
Laura DeHaan is a healthcare practitioner in Toronto. When she's not helping people feel better, she likes making them feel kind of sad and awful and like they could really use a massage. And so the cycle continues. You can find some of her other stories online at Theme of Absence, The Sockdolager, Body Parts Magazine, The Colored Lens and Allegory. She sometimes tweets nonsense @WritInRooster.
Del Carlo, Eric
Contributing author.
Deòraich, Drema
Drema's primary focus is speculative fiction, though she does make the occasional jaunt into literary fiction, poetry, and essays about Life, the Universe, and Everything. Her work has appeared in online publications for Asymmetry, All Worlds Wayfarer, and Across the Margin, where her non-fiction essay "Dancing Man" was included in the Best of 2018. Drema is a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of Hampton Roads, and attends semi-regular classes at the Muse Writers Center. She loves chocolate and Brussels sprouts in equal measure, and lives in Norfolk, Virginia, with her husband, two orange floofballs, and all her other characters. She loves followers on Twitter! Find her at @dremadeoraich (no DMs please!) Her blog and book reviews can be found at
DiMaggio, Rachel
Rachel DiMaggio writes dark fiction and lives near Boston, Massachusetts with her husband and two rescue cats. Her fiction has been published by the Tales to Terrify podcast and Rose Red Review. Recently, her short horror story A Family Film was published in the Transcendent anthology by Transmundane Press. When she isn't writing, Rachel loves to cook; as a ginger, she can sometimes be spotted nibbling on the souls of the unlucky.
For more information see: Facebook page:
Dines, Steven J.
Steven J Dines lives in Aberdeen, Scotland. His story "Unzipped" was selected as a Notable Story in StorySouth's Million Writers Award and received an Honorable Mention in The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror 2008. He has over sixty online and print publications to date and is currently writing his first novel.
Dodge, Sharon
Sharon Dodge is the former editor-in-chief of Reflection's Edge, which ran for six years. Now that she has free time for writing and reading again, Sharon is amazed to discover how many great new magazines have appeared online and how bad her penmanship has become.
Doerner, Chris
Chris can be reached at
Donne, Alex James
Alex James Donne is a lifelong resident of West London, an unrepentant hoarder of books, and a writer of dark fiction. His short stories can be found in the anthologies The Monsters Next Door, Doors of Darkness, and Yabblins 1.
Dorie, Sarina
Sarina Dorie has sold over 170 short stories to markets like Analog, Daily Science Fiction, F & SF, and Orson Scott Card’s IGMS. Her stories and published novels have won humor contests and Romance Writer of America awards. She has over fifty books up on Amazon, including her bestselling series, Womby's School for Wayward Witches. WRATH OF THE TOOTH FAIRY recently came out with Reuts Publishing in the genre of "urban fairy tale chick-lit" if such a thing exists.
A few of her favorite things include: gluten-free brownies (not necessarily glutton-free), Star Trek, steampunk aesthetics, fairies, Severus Snape, Captain Jack Sparrow, and Mr. Darcy.
You can find info about her short stories and novels on her website:
The best way to stay in contact with Sarina Dorie, hear about what she is writing, know when she has a new release, or books offered for free on Amazon is by signing up for her newsletter.
Duncan, Lindsey
Lindsey Duncan is a life-long writer and professional Celtic harp performer, with short fiction and poetry in several speculative fiction publications. She feels that music and language are inextricably linked. She lives and performs in Cincinnati, Ohio and is a student at Indiana University, working on a self-designed major.
Earle, T. Lucas
T. Lucas Earle is an aspiring filmmaker who hopes that one day he will be "discovered" in Brooklyn. (If anyone reading this finds him, please call his mother.) He has worked as a pizza delivery boy and in a tube factory. His humorous and thoroughly irreverent movie reviews can be found on his blog.
Ebert, Charles
Charles Ebert been writing science fiction on and off since high school. One of his stories will be released on Kaleidotrope in 2015. He has published stories in Aoife's Kiss and Aphelion. His stories have won honorable mentions in Xignals and the Writers of the Future contest. He is a librarian in Durham NC and reviews movies at:
Edwards, Malon
Malon Edwards was born and raised on the South Side of Chicago, but now lives in the Greater Toronto Area, where he was lured by his beautiful wife. He serves as a Grants Administrator for the Speculative Literature Foundation's Older Writers and Gulliver Travel Research Grants, which provides $750 and $800, respectively, for writers of speculative literature.
And here is the link to his website:
Ellis, Sara Kate
Sara Kate Ellis lives in Tokyo where she practices the art of seat nabbing during crowded commutes. Her stories appear in Allegory, Brain Harvest and the forthcoming Rockets, Swords and Rainbows anthology. She can be found now and then at
Emmel, Aaron
Aaron’s stories have been published in numerous magazines, journals, and anthologies. He is also the author of a graphic novel, science fiction game books and numerous articles. Find him online at or follow him at @justicioaje.
Emrys, Merlion
Merlion Emrys can be contacted at
Everett, Kate
Kate Everett lives in Los Angeles with her husband, two cats, and a dimwitted but lovable Basset Hound. She enjoys all things spooky, but has learned not to read the Necronomicon out loud. She can be reached at and is @hitchhiking.ghost on Instagram.
Fields, C. M.
C. M. Fields is a queer, non-binary astrophysicist and writer of speculative fiction. They live in Seattle, Washington, with their beloved cats, Mostly Void Partially Stars and Toast, and spend their days looking for other Earths. They are also the co-editor of If There's Anyone Left, an anthology series featuring the flash fiction of marginalized writers from across the globe. C. M. can be found on Twitter as @C_M_Fields and @toomanyspectra. See also C. M.'s fiction website:
Filipek, Steele Tyler
Steele Tyler Filipek is the author of several short stories of speculative fiction, published in such places as Aphelion, The Fantasy Gazetteer, Phalanx and others. In addition, he works as a Transmedia Producer/Writer for Starlight Runner Entertainment, has written several children's books, and had plays produced in the United States and England. Filipek was born in Pittsburgh but now resides in New York, where he likes to brew, watch hockey, and have a good time.
Foster, Clint
Clint Foster has published or been accepted for over thirty short stories with Black Hare Press, Cloaked Press LLC, Dragon Soul Press, and Electric Spec, as well as self publishing his first novel, 'Pawns of the Shadow,' a couple years ago. His first professionally published work, an epic poem called 'The Lay of Thorriman,' is being published by Dragon Soul Press in September of 2020. He love writing stories as much as he's enjoyed reading them all these years and is thrilled to give others new tales.
Foster, Luke
Luke Foster is a writer from Charlotte, NC. He has written short stories in every genre from comedy to horror, and has been published online and in print in the United States, Canada, UK, and Australia. He also curated, edited, and published the Western short story anthology Eight Gunshots: Stories of the Wild West. He can be found online at
Francis, M J
M J Francis lives in the heart of England with his wife, daughter, and a mini lop rabbit named Starbuck. When he isn’t writing, you can find him trying to play piano and guitar, photographing wildlife, and drinking too much coffee (and even then he’s still writing, really, somewhere in the corridors of his mind). He can be found at, and stalked via Twitter: @AuthorMJF.
Frazier, D. Lynn
D. Lynn Frazier can be found in Northern Maine, where she is owned by a cat, a Pug and her money pit of a house. She adores all three, but wishes that there were more time in the day to get things done so she can both write and catch up on her humongous to-be-read pile. Her past includes such dubious occupations as personnel manager, telephone psychic, Army patrol dog handler, and police dispatcher. She enjoys writing, the occasional beer, and reading. Other interests vary according to whim.
Freed, Jess
Jess Freed is a mom, brain tumor survivor, and fantasy writer living in Austin, TX. She's currently querying her YA Fantasy THE STARLESS WILD and drafting a new fantasy novel currently titled VICIOUS VINES. For updates on books and writing, please follow her on Instagram @jessfreedwrites
Email address:
Freeman, Grey
Grey Freeman studied Creative Writing at Bath Spa University. He currently lives and writes in East London and is working hard on his first novel. He has also been published in Twisted Tongue Magazine and Tales of the Zombie War. You can read his blog at the following link:
Fuller, Jameyanne
Jameyanne Fuller is a space lawyer by day, writer by night. Her fiction and poetry has appeared in numerous magazines and anthologies, including Cast of Wonders, Voyage, Kaleidotrope, Andromeda Spaceways, and others. In her free time, Jameyanne enjoys cooking, tandem bicycling, and taking long walks with her Seeing Eye dog, Neutron Star. Check out her website and blog at and her Twitter @JameyanneFuller.
Galuschak, George
George Galuschak is a librarian and speculative fiction writer who lives in New Jersey. His short fiction has appeared in a number of venues, including Strange Horizons, Escape Pod and Lore. He attended the Viable Paradise and Taos Toolbox writing workshops, and worked in the gaming industry, where he wrote for Zombicide and Dark Age, a miniature skirmish board game. Mr. Galuschak has a M.F.A. in Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University. He is currently working on a novel, just like every other writer on earth.
Gardner, Ana
Ana writes speculative fiction about anxious, badass women finding happy endings (and occasionally devouring their enemies). A non-western immigrant currently doing cognitive research in the US, she mixes in her writing her love for science, for Balkan folklore, and for weirdness. Her pieces have most recently appeared in Cast of Wonders, The Jellyfish Review, Oh,Reader!.
Genia, Jim
Jim Genia--a proud Sioux--mostly writes nonfiction about cagefighting, but occasionally takes a break from the hurt and pain to write fiction about hurt and pain. His book, "Raw Combat: The Underground World of Mixed Martial Arts," was published in 2011 by Citadel Press. Follow him on Twitter @jim_genia .
George, JL
JL George lives in Cardiff, Wales and writes weird and speculative fiction. Her work has appeared in Constellary Tales, New Welsh Reader, and a variety of anthologies, and her novelette "The Word" will be published by New Welsh Rarebyte later this year. In her other lives, she's a library-monkey and an academic interested in literature and science and the Gothic.
Gerasimov, Sergey
Sergey Gerasimov lives in Kharkiv, Ukraine. His stories written in English have appeared in Adbusters, Clarkesworld Magazine, Strange Horizons, and other venues. Upper Rubber Boot Books published his wildly surrealistic novel, "The Mask Game" in 2013. His last book is “Oasis” published by Gypsy Shadow Publishing. He is also the author of several novels and more than a hundred short stories published in Russian. You can find him at
Gibbs, Gail
Gail Gibbs has been writing short stories and novels for fifteen years, with some sales and a few contest wins. She has four paranormal romances with the gift-book company, and two indie-published books, Sketches in the Air and They Called Me Dragon. More can be found at
Giles, Dean
Dean lives with his wife and three young children in Kent, UK. By day he's a Product Development Manager for a telecommunications company, and by night he's usually tired and prefers an early night. Somehow, he has written several short stories, a few have appeared in small press. Available on Amazon etc. You can reach him at
Glaser, Dale W.
Dale W. Glaser is a lifelong collector, re-teller and occasional inventor of fantasy tales, and wrangling monsters comes with the territory. His short stories have been included in such anthologies as How the West Was Weird and the PulpWork Christmas Specials, from PulpWork Press; Under a Dark Sign from WolfSinger Publications, and Eldritch Embraces from Dragon's Roost Press. He is a member of the editorial staff for Creepy Campfire Quarterly - He currently lives in Virginia with his wife and three children, and can be found online at
Goble, Steve
Contributing author.
Golden, Bruce
Contributing author.
Goldman, Andy
Andy is currently serializing The Only City Left, a science-fiction/fantasy adventure story, at
Gonzales, Rina
Contributing Author.
Gottfried, Chet
The key to Chet Gottfried's writing is his sense of humor, which he
considers a form of beauty and a way to enjoy life. His writing includes
short stories and novels, the latest being Thora's Dagger. He blogs at
Gow, Frances
Frances lives and works in London, UK and has previously been published in a variety of magazines, including: Liquid Imagination, Aurora Wolf, The Lorelei Signal, Bewildering Stories, The WiFiles and The New Accelerator. She has recently co-authored, as FG Laval, the Carentan Series: medieval fantasy adventures for young adults, published by Double Dragon Publishing. Visit her blog at:
Graham, Keith
Keith Graham can be reached at
Green, Jude-Marie
Jude-Marie Green is a recent graduate of Clarion West and current co-editor of 10Flash ( She lives and writes in Southern California. Her adventures and publications are noted at
Grey, John
John Grey is an Australian born writer, US resident. Has been published in Weird Tales, Tales of the Talisman, Flapperhouse, Strangely Funny 2, and the scifi anthology, "A Robot, A Cyborg And A Martian Walk Into A Space Bar" amongst many others. Is a past Rhysling winner for genre poetry.
Grifant, KC
KC Grifant writes tales that are sometimes scientific, often fantastical and vaguely horrific. Her stories include "What Storms Bring" (in Lovecraft eZine) and "Out to Pasture" (in the horror-science fiction anthology, What Has Two Heads, Ten Eyes, and Terrifying Table Manners?). Connect on Twitter @SciFiWri or
Griffin, Michael
Michael Griffin lives in Portland, Oregon where by day he works as IT Manager and Business Analyst at a steel company. Evenings he runs a record label, Hypnos Recordings, which specializes ambient electronic music. In his remaining free time he writes fiction. His blog is at and twitter @mgsoundvisions
Grunwald, Clarissa
Clarissa Grunwald is a librarian living in central Pennsylvania. In addition to writing, she loves musicals, playing the viola, and tabletop RPGs. "Amber" is her first published story, but you can find her poetry in Drunk Monkeys, Jet Fuel Review, and the Santa Fe Literary Review.
Guilt, Elizabeth
Elizabeth Guilt lives in London, UK, where history lurks alongside plate glass office buildings and stories spring out of the street names. She has had fiction published in Luna Station Quarterly, All Worlds Wayfarer, and Flash Fiction Magazine. You can find her at, or on Twitter as @elizabethguilt.
Hager, K R
Contributing Author.
Hawley, Jamie
Jamie Hawley is a writer from the American Midwest. She has a BA and MA from the University of Kansas and is currently a PhD student in creative writing at Ohio University. Her academic interests are in fandom and fan fiction, and her creative interests are in queer speculative fiction. She can be found on Twitter @onlynarrative and Bluesky
Haynes, Michael
An ardent short story reader and writer, Michael’s debut collection, AT THE INTERSECTION OF LOVE AND DEATH, is available now. His stories have appeared in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and other publications. He enjoys photography, cooking, and travel. Find him at & Twitter (@mohio73)
Heermann, Travis
Freelance writer, novelist, award-winning screenwriter, editor, poker player, poet, biker, roustabout, Travis Heermann is a graduate of the Odyssey Writing Workshop and the author of Death Wind, The Ronin Trilogy, The Wild Boys, and Rogues of the Black Fury, plus short fiction pieces in anthologies and magazines such as Alembical, the Fiction River anthology series, Historical Lovecraft, and Cemetery Dance's Shivers VII. As a freelance writer, he has produced a metric ton of role-playing game work both in print and online, including the Firefly Roleplaying Game, Legend of Five Rings, d20 System, and the MMORPG, EVE Online.
He enjoys cycling, martial arts, torturing young minds with otherworldly ideas, and zombies. He has three long-cherished dreams: a produced screenplay, a NYT best-seller, and a seat in the World Series of Poker.
In 2015, he's moving to New Zealand with a couple of lovely ladies and a burning desire to claim Hobbiton as his own.
Hernandez, T.A.
T. A. Hernandez grew up with her nose habitually stuck in a book and her mind constantly wandering to make-believe worlds full of magic and adventure. She began writing stories after reading J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings for the first time at age 10. Thankfully, her writing has improved significantly since then, though she will happily admit that she has much more to learn and is looking forward to a long and exciting journey in her Quest to Tell Better Stories.
She is the proud mother of two girls and a college student working towards her degree in social work. She also enjoys drawing, reading, watching movies, riding her motorcycle, and making happy memories with her family and friends.
Heynen, I.S.
I.S. Heynen lives in the Pacific Northwest with the love of her life and two alien sidekicks (er, children).
Hinson, Brian D.
The author abandoned a lame a career in 1999, opting for part-time gigs and visiting 40-some countries in the backpacker fashion. He recently slowed life even further to settle in rural New Mexico, USA with his wife Kathleen Eickholt and three pit bulls to gaze at sunsets and write speculative fiction. He’s a Taos Toolbox 2019 graduate and his stories can be enjoyed in Cast of Wonders, Andromeda Spaceways, On Spec Magazine, Cossmass Infinities, Shoreline of Infinity, and more.
Hodges, Larry
Larry Hodges, of Germantown, MD, is an active member of SFWA with 60 short story sales, over 40 of them since summer 2008. His story "The Awakening" was the unanimous grand prize winner at the 2010 Garden State Horror Writers Short Story Competition. His story "Rationalized" won the November 2011 Story Quest Competition. He's a graduate of the six-week 2006 Odyssey Writers' Workshop, the 2007 Orson Scott Card Literary Boot Camp, and the 2008 Taos Toolbox Writers' Workshop. He's a full-time writer with five books and over 1300 published articles in over 130 different publications. He is a member of the USA Table Tennis Hall of Fame (Google it!), and once beat someone using an ice cube as a racket. Visit him at
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki
Over the past twenty-some years, Nina Kiriki Hoffman has sold adult and YA novels and more than 250 short stories. Her works have been finalists for the World Fantasy, Mythopoeic, Sturgeon, Philip K. Dick, and Endeavour awards. Her first novel, The Thread That Binds The Bones, won a Stoker award, and her short story "Trophy Wives" won a Nebula Award in 2009.
Her novel Fall of Light came out from Ace in May, 2009. Her middle-school novel Thresholds will come out from Viking in August, 2010.
Nina does production work for the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. She also works with teen writers. She lives in Eugene, Oregon, with several cats and many strange toys and imaginary friends.
For a list of Nina's publications, check out:
Hollingsworth, Matt
Matt Hollingsworth has loved writing (especially science fiction) all his life. He has been previously published or is forthcoming in Fabula Argentea, Nebula Rift, and The J.J. Outré Review. Read his blog at .
Hornsby, Matthew
Matt lives, writes and works in London, United Kingdom. His writing is a mix of the grim mundane and the grim fantastic, and has appeared in Penny Shorts.
Howe, Matthew
Matthew Howe has spent the last decade working professionally in film and TV. Besides selling more than a dozen low-budget screenplays, Matthew has written ten prime-time documentaries for The History Channel and The Discovery Channel, including "Carrier: City of Steel, Tank School," and "Submarine: Hidden Hunter." "Original Sins", an ultra low-budget horror feature Matthew co-wrote and co-produced was hailed by noted genre author Ramsey Campbell thusly: ...Sins displays an imagination and daring seldom seen in horror films today... It's an outrageous delight. Film is Hell, a comedic memoir of Matthew's days as a run and gun desperado filmmaker was published by Laurelton Media in 2010 and is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Matthew is also an avid concert photographer.
Huchu, T.L.
T.L. Huchu's fiction has appeared in Interzone, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, The
Sockdolager, AfroSF, Omenana, One Throne Magazine and elsewhere. He is a
creative writing PhD student at Manchester University. Between projects, he
translates fiction between the Shona and English languages. He writes other stuff as
his evil twin Tendai Huchu. - @TendaiHuchu
Hudson, Neil James
Neil James Hudson is the author of over forty short stories. His collection "The End of the World: A User's Guide" is available from his website at, his paranormal romance novel On Wings of Pity is available from Amazon, and he can be found on Twitter as @neiljameshudson.
Hughes, Bill
Over the years, Bill Hughes's fiction has appeared in a number of places, including Flesh and Blood, The Edge, Byzarium, and Page & Spine. He is the former editor of Dread magazine and currently maintains the Dread Imaginings website at
Hughes, Van Aaron
Van Aaron Hughes is the author of "Butcher's Hook."
Ingold, Jaelithe
Contributing Author.
Jackson, Sarah
Sarah Jackson writes gently unsettling stories. Her short fiction has appeared in Translunar Travelers Lounge, Wyldblood Magazine, and Tales From Between. She's a member of SFWA and co-editor of The Fantastic Other magazine. She lives in east London UK and has a green tricycle called Ivy. Her website is
Jacques, Austin
Austin Jacques is an American speculative fiction writer with a background in cultural anthropology. His work has appeared in All Worlds Wayfarer, White Cat Publications, and the Crimson Quill Quarterly. When he's not reading or writing he likes to hike, play video games, watch anime, and battle existential dread. He currently lives and works in Japan.
Janel, Selah
Selah Janel has written many e-books, including Mooner, The Ruins of St. Louis, The Inheritance, and Candles. Her work has appeared in The Grotesquerie, Curious Incidents: More Improbable Tales, and The Big Bad volumes 1 & 2. An unrepentant theater geek, she’s worked for over twenty years in theater and entertainment building and designing costumes in regional theater, holiday events, amusement parks, and haunted events. She likes her music to rock, her vampires lethal, her faeries to play mind games, and her princesses to hold their own.
Her website is fb is
twitter is @SelahJanel and insta is @selahjanel99
Johns, Clifford Royal
Cliff Johns' stories have appeared in various small press magazines including most recently in Farthing, Shimmer and Story Station magazines. His novel, Unforgettable, is with the Ashley Grayson Literary Agency and looking for a publisher who's interested in SF/Mystery crossovers. He lives in Northern Illinois with his wife and two elderly spaniels.Clifford can be reached at
Johnson, Toni
Toni Johnson is an author and illustrator living in Chicagoland. She is the editor and an author for Tales of the Automazombs. You can find her at or on Twitter @tonijdotcom.
Johnston, Andrew
Born in rural western Kansas, Andrew Johnston discovered his Sinophilia while attending the University of Kansas. Subsequently, he has spent most of his adult life shuttling back and forth across the Pacific Ocean. He is currently based out of Hefei, Anhui province. He has published short fiction in Nature: Futures, the Arcanist and Mythic and will be featured in the upcoming Bad Dream Entertainment Horror/Humor Anthology. You can learn more about his projects at
Juneau, Eric
Eric Juneau is a 28-year-old software engineer living in Minnesota with his wife and two daughters. His hobbies are writing, video games, reading, and eating as much barbecue as he can find. His writing philosophy is "Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed." (G.K. Chesterson)
Kantcheva, Adriana
Adriana Kantcheva is a writer of speculative fiction with a touch of idealism. Her desire to tread in unexplored worlds led her through a PhD in molecular biology and out the other end back into writing fiction (where she had anyway started). You can find more about her art of catching words at
Kason, Daniel
Daniel Kason lives in Greenbelt, Maryland, where he is teaching and pursuing a PhD in American Literature. His first novel, The Leech World, is forthcoming from Hunt Press. Daniel's short stories have appeared in Anotherealm Magazine, Uncle John's Bathroom Reader, Deepwood Publishing and, among others. He can be found at
Keith, Ian
Ian Keith lives with his spouse and their two children in the Phoenix area, where he works as a ghostwriter. He has a JD from the University of North Carolina and a BA in philosophy from the University of Michigan, but he prefers storytelling to arguing. His fiction has appeared in Eclectica Magazine and Valparaiso Fiction Review. Ian can be reached at
Kepfield, Sam
Sam Kepfield is a writer who is forced to work as a criminal defense lawyer by day. His work has appeared in Science Fiction Trails, Cemetery Moon, The Future Fire, as well as various anthologies. "Salvage Sputnik" won Third Place in the Robert A. Heinlein Centennial Short Story Contest, sponsored by the Heinlein Society in 2008. He currently lives in Hutchinson, Kansas.
Kewin, Simon
Simon has had four short stories published in Electric Spec. He lives in the UK with Alison and their two daughters Eleanor and Rose. His debut fantasy novel is to be published by Morrigan Books in 2013. Find him at
Killen, Jamie
Jamie Killen's stories have appeared or are forthcoming in numerous publications including Mythic Delirium, Scheherezade's Bequest, Space and Time, and Heiresses of Russ 2013. She lives in Arizona and blogs at
Kinch, Erin M.
Erin M. Kinch lives and writes in Fort Worth, Texas, where she shares her home with her husband of six years and their exuberant golden retriever. Her stories have been published in a variety of print and online publications, including Allegory, A Thousand Faces, Every Day Fiction, Sporty Spec: Games of the Fantastic, Static Movement, and Perpetual Magazine.
Kinkor, Ryan
Ryan Kinkor has worked in education and social service fields much of his life, but finds writing to be one of his few true pleasures. He particularly likes exploring different realities, the paradoxes of human existence, and space opera (though he's not above destroying the world on occasion). His works have shown up in The Absent Willow Review, Crossed Genres, Allegory, and Fly in Amber online magazines, as well as the print magazines Encounters and Title Goes Here and the anthology Doomology: The Dawning of Disasters. He lives in Nevada City, California.!/ryan.kinkor.
Kirwin, Clare
Contributing author.
Kiste, Gwendolyn
Gwendolyn Kiste is a horror and fantasy writer based in Pennsylvania. Her short stories have appeared in numerous anthologies, including History and Horror, Oh My! and Whispers from the Past: Fright and Fear as well as online at Danse Macabre, Typehouse Literary Magazine, and 99 Pine Street among others.
Knighton, Andrew
Andrew is a Yorkshire based ghostwriter, responsible for writing many books in other people's names. He's had over fifty stories published in his own name in places such as Daily Science Fiction and Wily Writers. His steampunk adventure story, The Epiphany Club, is out now. You can find free stories and links to more of his books at and follow him on Twitter where he's @gibbondemon
Korell, Kevin
Contributing author.
Lacey, L.J.
L.J. Lacey writes speculative fiction that explores how power works. She’s an Associate Professor of English at a small college in the upper Midwest where her students read the kinds of things she wishes she got to read in college. For more info, see
Lackey, Jamie
Jamie Lackey lives in Pittsburgh with her husband and their cats. She has had over 200 short stories published in places like Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Apex Magazine, and Escape Pod. She has a novella and two short story collections available from Air and Nothingness Press, and she’s created six successful crowdfunding campaigns to self-publish a novel, two novellas, a novelette, and three short story collections. In addition to writing, she spends her time reading, playing tabletop RPGs, baking, mushroom hunting, and hiking. You can find her online at
Landrum, David W.
David W. Landrum teaches literature at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan. His speculative fiction has appeared widely. Two of his novellas, The Gallery and Strange Brew, are available through
Laughton, Malcolm
Malcolm Laughton lives and works in Glasgow, Scotland. His stories appeared in: Eulogies II, Tales From The Cellar; Bards and Sages Quarterly, Volume 5 Issue 2; Deep Wood Publishing, Fantasy Friday; Dark Horizons, the Journal of the British Fantasy Society 57; Abandoned Towers Magazine 2 & 5; Whispers of Wickedness 16; Quantum Muse; and Wild Violet, Mystic Mist Issue.
Lawrence, E.A.
E.A. Lawrence is a writer, multiple sclerosis survivor, and biologist who does science and tells stories around the Great Lakes. Her work has appeared in Breath and Shadow Magazine as well as the fiction anthology titled ROAR Volume 7 edited by Mary E. Lowd. You can follow her on Goodreads and learn more about her work and adventures in life on her blog: Technicolorlilypond.
Leddy, Owen
Owen Leddy is a writer and bioengineering Ph.D. student based in Cambridge, MA. Their short fiction has previously appeared or is forthcoming in Fusion Fragment, SERIAL Magazine, Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Printers Row Journal, and the anthology Triangulation: Extinction.
Leen, Gerri
Contributing author.
Lemerond, Saul
Saul Lemerond is a dyslexic writer who, along with the love of his life and their dog, lives in Madison, Indiana where he teaches American Literature and Creative Writing at Hanover College. His fiction, poetry, and essays have appeared in Bourbon Penn, Gigantic Sequins, Moon City Review, The Journal of Creative Writing Studies, and elsewhere.
Lesley, Kiera
Kiera Lesley is a writer, reader and reviewer from Melbourne, Australia who wouldn't be complete without tea, her journals, and stories about people finding and believing in strange things. You can find her online at: or on Twitter: @KieraLesley.
Levenson, Barton Paul
Barton Paul Levenson has a degree in physics. Happily married to poet Elizabeth Penrose, he confuses everybody by being both a born-again Christian and a liberal Democrat. His work has appeared in Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine, ChiZine, Cricket, Cicada, the New York Review of Science Fiction and many small press markets. His novel Year of the Human is available from Solstice Publishing, and The Celibate Succubus from Barking Rain Press--both can also be purchased through or Barton was banned from entering the Confluence Short Story Contest again after winning first prize two years in a row.
Lewis, Eric
By day Eric Lewis is an organic chemist still learning how to be a person again after surviving grad school. His other stories appear in Bards and Sages Quarterly, the upcoming Alban Lake anthology Into Darkness Peering, the blog Short Fiction Break and other seedy little corners of the web.
Lewis, Leonora
Sarah Lewis writes under the name Leonora Lewis, the name her paternal grandma hated and that Sarah's parents did not name her. Her fictions has appeared in Thuggish Itch: Birds Have Teeth; Wyldblood, and COLP: Feet. She won 1st and 3rd prizes for poetry in the 2011 Writers' Journal Poetry Contest. She lives in southeast Texas and is a member of the Woodlands Writing Guild.
Libicki, Naomi
Naomi Libicki was born in Columbus, Ohio, and has lived in Israel since age sixteen. She is currently a bored housewife who gets up to wacky hijinks, and her husband never lets her perform in his show. She likes making fiendishly intricate food and messing around on the internet.
Lincoln, K. Bird
K. Bird Lincoln spent 4 years in Japan precariously perched on a bicycle with 2 girls under the age of 5. Now she resides in Portland, Oregon and guiltily drives a car. Her other work has been published hither and thither in places such as Strange Horizons, Ideomancer, and Flytrap.
Linnaea, Jennifer
Jennifer Linnaea is a bicycle commuter and an ex marine botanist. She lives in Eugene, Oregon with assorted housemates including a husband and a cat named after a windstorm.
Littlewood, Alison J.
Alison J. Littlewood has contributed to Read by Dawn Vol 3, Black Static,
Murky Depths, Aoife's Kiss and the Midnight Lullabies anthology. She lives in WestYorkshire, England, where she spends far too much time dreaming and
writing strange notes to herself on scraps of paper.
Ljubuncic, Igor
Igor Ljubuncic is a physicist by vocation, an IT nerd by profession, and a prolific author with seventeen published books since 2011. His current portfolio spans four technical works, seven novels, and five anthologies, including a short story, The Girl with the Flaxen Hair, which was nominated for the 2014 Sidewise Awards for Alternate History.
Igor runs a popular science and technology blog,, which has also been nominated and awarded several times over the years. Likewise, Igor's books have received favorable reviews from Publishers Weekly, Underground Book Reviews, Midwest Book Review, SFFWorld, and others.
You can learn more about Igor's literary adventures at
Lloyd, Dawn
Dawn Lloyd is an American who got bored and set out across the world looking for adventure. Four continents later, she's settled in Afghanistan where she teaches English at the American University of Afghanistan. Her work has appeared (or is forthcoming) in a variety of magazines including Space and Time, The Future Fire, and OG's Speculative Fiction Magazine.
Links can be found at
Lombardi, Bruno
Bruno Lombardi is a Canadian author of speculative and weird fiction, with a number of writing credits including a novel, Snake Oil, and stories in Weirdbook. Abyss & Apex, and several other magazines and other anthologies.
For more info see
his Facebook author page or his
Amazon author page.
Low, Brian
Brian lives in Malaysia and writes speculative fiction in his spare time. His work has appeared in Ombak Magazine and Electric Spec.
Lowd, Mary E.
Mary E. Lowd writes stories and collects creatures. She's had more than one hundred short stories published, and her novels include the Otters In Space trilogy, In a Dog's World, and The Snake's Song: A Labyrinth of Souls Novel. Her fiction has won an Ursa Major Award and two Coyotl Awards. Meanwhile, she's collected a husband, daughter, son, bevy of cats and dogs, and the occasional fish. The stories, creatures, and Mary live together in a crashed spaceship disguised as a house, hidden inside a fairy's garden in Oregon. Learn more at
Lungerhausen, Nicole
Nicole Lungerhausen writes contemporary and epic fantasy stories. When the mood strikes, she creates science fiction tales that have the soft, pillowy consistency of a homemade marshmallow. Nicole loves to read and write speculative fiction stories about characters who identify as women, the complex relationships between women, and the ups and downs of intergenerational dynamics.
Her stories have been published at Abyss & Apex, Apparition Lit, A-Minor Magazine, Luna Station Quarterly, and Red Weather. Nicole's work is also forthcoming in Abyss & Apex's "Best of" anthology, to be published in December 2019.
Nicole holds a B.A. in Creative Writing and Theater from San Francisco State University. She currently does her living, writing, and daydreaming in Greensboro, NC. You can find Nicole online at and on Twitter @wandermindfic.
Mabry, Sean
Sean Mabry is a long-haired cryptid wandering the eastern edge of Los Angeles County. He is equally passionate about fiction and marketing, since both are important tools in his quest to unravel civilization. In its place, he anticipates something weirder, wilder, and kinder. His short stories have appeared in Electric Spec, Lamplight, and elsewhere. His work has also won three Honorable Mentions and a Semi-Finalist award in the Writers of the Future Contest.
Here are his links in descending order of professionalism:
Official Website:
MacLellan, Vanessa
A champion of NaNoWriMo, words have been Vanessa MacLellan's companions since she was ten, forcing atrocious adverbs upon her mother. Her novel, Three Great Lies, has recently been accepted by Hadley Rille Books and is scheduled for release in the winter of 2014. When not in the office or writing, she's out watching birds.
Vanessa can be found at
Main, Ray E.
Contributing author.
Martin, Dana
Dana Martin is an illustrator, book designer, and tea addict who plays sonatinas in the dead of night and scribbles at her novel when no one is looking. View her work at
Matrunick, Rich
Rich Matrunick is a mechanical engineer living in North Carolina with his wife and daughter. He occasionally writes non-meat related fiction.
McAllister, Raven
Raven McAllister is a psychotherapist hailing from southwest Louisiana. His stories have been featured on a number of eZine sites such as Dark Energy Speculative Fiction, Macabre Cadaver, and Flashes in the Dark, and in the print horror anthologies Hindered Souls, Between the Tracks, and Restless. Please see for more info.
McBain, Alison
Alison McBain is a Pushcart Prize-nominated author with over two hundred short stories, poems, and articles published, as well as two award-winning novels. When not writing, Ms. McBain is the associate editor for the literary magazine Scribes*MICRO*Fiction and pens a silly webcomic called Toddler Times. She lives in Alberta, Canada.
For more info:
McCabe, Beth
Beth McCabe lives in the Tacoma, Washington area. McCabe is a graduate of the Barnard College Creative Writing Program, where her speculative fiction placed second in the Elizabeth Janeway Fiction Prize. Her stories and blogging have appeared in Andromeda Spaceways, Luna Station Quarterly, MetaStellar, On the Premises, Youth Imagination, Halfway Down the Stairs, Brilliant Flash Fiction, Liquid Imagination, and other publications.
Please visit her blog at Luna Station Quarterly.
McClellan, Gere
Gere McClellan's past jobs include clerk at a country market, gift-wrapper at a funeral home and crew trainer at an Italian restaurant (better described as a pizza place with a superiority complex), but her career as a newspaper journalist keeps the bills paid. She lives in a small farming community in Northeast Ohio.
McDaniel, Timothy
Timothy McDaniel has taught English as a Second Language in Thailand and in various institutions in the Seattle area. He now lives in Auburn, Washington, where he teaches at Green River Community College and lives with an assortment of plastic (or are they?) dinosaurs. He's been published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Chimeraworld, Asimov's Science Fiction, A Thousand Faces, Afterburn SF, and Dark Recesses.
McKeever, Tim
Tim McKeever is the author of "Pride Goeth Before a Fall." You can contact him at .
Merriam, Michael
Michael Merriam is an author, performer, poet, and playwright with ten books and over 100 pieces of short fiction and poetry published. His scripts have been produced for stage and radio, and he has appeared in the Minnesota Fringe Festival, Tellebration, StoryFest Minnesota, and over the air on KFAI and Minnesota Public Radio. For more info
Miller, Devin
Devin can be reached at
Milne, Michael
Michael Milne is a writer and teacher originally from Canada. He has written speculative fiction and annoyed baristas throughout China, Korea, and now Switzerland. His website is and you can find him on Twitter @ironcardigan.
Minton, D. Thomas
D. Thomas Minton writes speculative fiction from somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. His stories have appeared in Asimov's Science Fiction, Lightspeed, Daily Science Fiction, and other fine publications. His idle scribbles hold court at and would appreciate your visit.
Morgan, Mike
Mike Morgan was born in London, but not in any of the interesting parts. He moved to Japan at the age of 30 and lived there for many years. Nowadays, he's based in Iowa, and enjoys family life with his wife and two young children. If you like his writing, be sure to follow him on Twitter where he goes by @CultTVMike or check out his website:
Morgenstern, Meredith
Meredith Morgenstern is a space princess, second-generation geek, and voracious reader. She loves knitting, hates driving, and her Patronus is a dragon holding a glass of wine. Meredith is a member of HWA, a first reader for Tales to Terrify podcast, and has been published in Tales To Terrify, Star Ship Sofa, and Grievous Angel. Her preferred pronouns are she/her/Mrs. Dameron. She lives with her children in New Jersey in a house that's probably haunted. Follow her on Twitter at MLMorgenstern.
Morris, Heather
Heather Morris is a cyborg librarian living in North Carolina. Her work has appeared in Strange Horizons, Apex, and Daily Science Fiction, among other places. You can find her on Twitter @NotThatHeatherM.
Mudie, Timothy
Timothy Mudie was born and raised in Worcester, Massachusetts, and now lives outside of Boston, where he is an assistant editor at a general interest publishing house. His fiction has been published or is forthcoming in Abyss & Apex, The Colored Lens, The Worcester Review (nominated for a Pushcart Prize), Spinetingler, Isotropic Fiction, Roar & Thunder, and several other magazines and anthologies.
Mueller, Amelia Dee
Amelia Dee Mueller is a resident of Dallas, Texas and is constantly disappointed that the Old West isn't as present as one would think. A communications coordinator in local government by day, she spends her nights writing, reading, fencing, and streaming superhero movies with her cats. You can find more of her work at Metaphorosis or follow her on Twitter @AmeliaDMueller.
Mulcahy, Tim
Contributing author.
Munro, Donna J.W.
Donna J. W. Munro teaches high schoolers the slippery truths of government and history at her day job. Her students are her greatest inspiration. She lives with five cats, a fur covered husband, and an encyclopedia son. Her daughter is off saving the world. Writing is Donna’s painful passion. Her pieces are published in Corvid Queen, Enter the Apocalypse (2017), Beautiful Lies, Painful Truths II (2018), It Calls from the Forest (2020), Borderlands Vol 7 (2020), Pseudopod 752 (2021), and many more. Check out her novel, Revelation: Poppet Cycle Book 1, and her website for a complete list of works at
Munro, Karen
Karen Munro's work has appeared or is forthcoming in Strange Horizons, Hunger Mountain and Suction Cup Dreams: An Octopus Anthology. She is at work on a novel about strangeness in the great northwest, and sometimes posts words at
Narvaez, Richie
Richie Narvaez is the award-winning author of Roachkiller and Other Stories, Hipster Death Rattle, and Holly Hernandez and the Death of Disco. His latest work is the short story collection Noiryorican. You can learn more about him at
Nash, Charlotte
Charlotte Nash took a long detour on the road to writing, completing degrees in engineering and medicine, and enjoying an eclectic technical career. She counts the best moments as building rockets, traversing the Pilbara mines, and learning medicine on an army base. These days she sails, motorbikes, ogles military airplanes and writes fiction of many persuasions, flavoured with technical, medical or nautical spice. Find her at
Neville, Stuart
Stuart Neville is the author of short stories and the novel The Twelve.
Nichols, Matthew
Contributing author.
Nicholson, Michael J.
Michael is a displaced Englishman living in the countryside just outside Stockholm, Sweden. He moved there for work, stayed for love, and would like to leave for the winters. He aspires to write full time, so he bought a wine company, and in the small slices of time between work, child-wrangling and sleep he does occasionally find time to write. Michael can be found at @michjnich on Twitter.
Obermeyer, Fredrick
Fredrick Obermeyer lives in Cooperstown, NY and is a graduate of the State University of New York at Albany. He enjoys writing science-fiction, horror, crime and fantasy and has had stories published in the Dead Inn, Alternate Realities, NFG, Fedora, Electric Spec, the Fifth Di,, Fusion Fragment, Space Westerns and the Destination: Future anthology.
O'Brien, Anna
Anna is a writer and veterinarian in Frederick, Maryland, where she lives with her horses, cats, and bicycles. She has had short fiction published both online and in print since 2015. In 2021, she won honorable mention for the "Women Hold Up Half the Sky" award with her story "Virgintillion." She blogs nonsense at
O'Doom, Hannah
Hannah O'Doom is currently working toward her Master of Library Science at the University of Kentucky at night while working as a project manager by day. When not writing stories about robots, cats, or magical coffees, she can be found playing roller derby, drinking gin and tonics, and reading odd books. Her work can be found at
Ollinger, Joe
Joe Ollinger grew up in a small swamp town in Florida. Currently residing in Los Angeles, he holds a BFA in Writing for Screen and Television and a BA in Psychology from USC and JD from Southwestern Law School, and worked for several years as a reader and story analyst for an Oscar-winning filmmaker. Formerly ranked #1 in the world at Tetris (timed battle) on Playstation Network, he hopes to one day either coach the Miami Dolphins or eat a 100-ounce steak. Joe's debut novel, A Game Before the Darkness, is currently available on
Osborne, Karen
Karen Osborne is a videographer, violinist and vorpal writer from Baltimore, MD. She can usually be found reading your book, haunting your bardic circle, taking your picture or editing your story. She edits
Paget, Colum
Colum has been published in Bards and Sages, Daily Science Fiction, Hub Magazine, Jupiter Magazine, Kasma SF and the Anywhere but Earth anthology. He has work forthcoming in the Dead Robot Society's Explorers anthology and Ian Sales' Rocket Science anthology. He blogs infrequently at
Pauff, Harry
Harry Pauff is a fiction writer living in Maryland with his wife and cats. His fiction appears in the anthologies Playing with Fire, Corporate Cthulhu, and Deluge: Stories of Survival & Tragedy in the Great Flood.
Pawley, Andrea M.
Andrea M. Pawley lives and writes in Washington D.C., which provides ample inspiration for speculative fiction. She once had a job that included interviewing astronauts. It was cool. Her other work has appeared in Asimov's Science Fiction, Clarkesworld and Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet. She can be found online at and on twitter @andreapawley.
Payseur, Charles
Charles Payseur grew up in the sprawl of the northern Chicago suburbs but currently resides in the icy reaches of Wisconsin where his partner, good cheese, and craft beer get him through the long winters. His fiction has appeared at Perihelion Science Fiction, Fantasy Scroll Magazine, and Heroic Fantasy Quarterly, among others. When not busily writing and reading, he contributes to the blog Nerds of a Feather, Flock Together ( as well runs a home for his own wayward thoughts on stories at Quick Sip Reviews ( He can be found gushing about his favorite stories and novels on Twitter as @ClowderofTwo.
Peak, Tony
Tony Peak lives in rural southwest Virginia with a wonderful view of New River. When not writing, he enjoys hiking or researching historical eras such as the Late Bronze Age or the Crusades. He's shopping around his first fantasy novel Knights of Baphomet and completing a second, Prophet of Pathways.
Pearce, Josh
Josh Pearce is the last of the freelance hackers and greatest swordfighter in the world. He has recently lost his job as a pizza delivery driver for the Mafia and can be contacted at or at
Perry, Lyndon
Lyndon Perry is a writer, coffee drinker, and cat wrangler. He and his wife recently moved to Puerto Rico where he writes full time and takes care of their 19 year old orange and white tabby named Charlie, who is loving the beach life, by the way. Lyn publishes his speculative fiction novels through his indie project, Tule Fog Press, and blogs about writing and such at
Phillips, Roderick
Roderick Phillips is a quality assurance manager, who finds relief from technical concerns by retreating into his fantasy world and coming back with a story.
Piel, Clifford
Clifford Piel is a U.S. Navy veteran and retired aircraft technician who has spent way too much time writing macabre novels that still sit in saved files. He has previously been published in Bewildering Stories. He resides on the Washington coast with his wife and several pets. When not writing he can be found hiking, landscaping, playing with his grandchildren, or staring out at the ocean while dreaming up his next tale of darkness.
Pillard, J.C.
J.C. Pillard lives at the foot of the Colorado mountains. She has a master's degree in English literature and her recent publications include stories in Broadswords and Blasters, Fall Into Fantasy, and In the Wake of the Kraken. When not writing, J.C. can be found in her local bookstore. Find her at
Pinsker, Sarah
Sarah Pinsker is a singer-songwriter with three albums and a fourth in production. Her fiction has appeared in Daily Science Fiction and Stupefying Stories, and she has stories forthcoming from Strange Horizons and Fireside. She lives in Baltimore, Maryland, and has an odd fascination with South African rugby. She can be found on Twitter @sarahpinsker
Planck, Mike
Contributing author.
Poniatowski, Nick
Author Nick Poniatowski can be reached at A< href="" target="_blank">
Proctor, Aaron
A little late to the party, Aaron Proctor began writing short fiction about a year back; the following story marks his first publication, and event the author met with both gratitude and a huge sigh of relief. Aaron currently serves as an Associate Professor of English at St. Charles Community College, just outside of St. Louis, Missouri. In addition to science fiction, Aaron also teaches detective fiction, Shakespeare, and film studies. He lives in St. Louis with his amazing daughter and his grumpy cat, Romeo. Feel free to send detailed compendia of flaws with his writing to
Punti, Irene
Irene Punti writes science fiction, fantasy and magical realism. She lives in Tarragona (Barcelona).
Quense, Hank
Contributing author.
Quinn, Caitlin A.
Caitlin A. Quinn lives in Northern California with her partner and two badly behaved Airedale terriers. She channels the voices in her head into short fiction that has appeared or is upcoming in TALES TO TERRIFY, ALL WORLDS WAYFARER, A THIN SLICE OF ANXIETY, BENDING GENRES, and multiple anthologies. Website:
Rapino, Anthony J.
Anthony J. Rapino lives inside his head with a few friends of varying origins. He occasionally consults these friends on life choices and often regrets it. His first novel, Soundtrack to the End of the World, will be available from Bad Moon Books in late 2011. Viable proof of his psychosis can be found on his website:
Reiss, Alter S.
Alter S. Reiss is a scientific editor and field archaeologist, whose fiction has appeared in Daily SF, Abyss & Apex, and elsewhere. He lives in Jerusalem with his son Uriel, and wife Naomi, whose work has appeared in Electric Spec a while back ("A Girl and her Tentacle Monster").
Rigney, Mark
Mark Rigney is the author of numerous plays, including Acts of God (Playscripts, Inc.) and Bears, winner of the 2012 Panowski Playwriting Competition, as well as the non-fiction book Deaf Side Story: Deaf Sharks, Hearing Jets and a Classic American Musical (Gallaudet University Press). His short fiction appears in The Best of the Bellevue Literary Review, Black Gate, Witness, The Long Story, Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet, and Black Static, among many others. Two collections of his stories are available through Amazon, Flights of Fantasy, and Reality Checks. His website is
Ritchey, Aaron
Aaron Michael Ritchey grew up as a garbage can for stories including way too much Robert E. Howard and Edgar Rice Burroughs. Early on, he started writing and he's tried to quit, but he just can't kick. His debut novel, The Never Prayer, was published by Crescent Moon Press in 2012. He blogs, interviews authors, and gnashes his teeth in the darkness. His current work in progress is part sci-fi western, part steampunk family drama. He lives in Colorado, born and raised.
Robertson, Michael
Michael Robertson writes science fiction and fantasy stories while holding down a job at a non-profit. His stories tend to feature people, sometimes including lovable non-humans, trying to do the right thing. He lives and works in New York City, and his writing has appeared in anthologies published by Zombies Need Brains, Parsec Ink, and in two issues of Cockroach Conservatory. His web site is, and he can be found on twitter @michaels2cents.
Robins, Lane
Lane Robins (she/her) is a writer living in the American Midwest. Her books include the dark fantasy duology, Maledicte and Kings & Assassins, and an urban fantasy series written under the name Lyn Benedict. She is a graduate from the Odyssey Writing Workshop. Her short fiction can be found in Nightmare Magazine, Strange Horizons, Daily Science Fiction, and forthcoming in New Myths. She can be found on a rare occasion on social media, mostly liking posts about books and animals.
Her website is
Rodenhausen, Evan
Evan Rodenhausen lives and works in Philadelphia with his dog, Obie, and their shrine to Nick Foles. A graduate of Temple University, he is currently enrolled in the dual MFA/MA program at Arcadia University. Follow him on Twitter @EvanRodenhausen
Rodgers, Steve
Steve Rodgers is a writer of science fiction and fantasy, an unholy obsession that has been with him since he was 17. He has had various writing jobs, including crafting financial self-help books for a small publisher, as well as all types of technical writing. His speculative fiction efforts restarted in 2010, and since that time he has written a fantasy novel and several short stories. His fiction has most recently appeared in KY Story's Dysfunctional Family anthology, and in Deepwood Publishing's Ruined Cities anthology. You can contact him at, or visit his website at
Rodman, Rachel
Rachel Rodman’s work has appeared in Analog, Fireside, and many other publications. Her latest collection, Art is Fleeting, was published by Shanti Arts Press. More at
Ruskin, Cora
Cora Ruskin is a writer of fiction and poetry, including the YA novel Other People's Butterflies and the poetry chapbook Monster Hunting for Girls (Ages 8-14). Find her online at
Russo, Patricia
Patricia Russo's stories have appeared in many places, online and off, including Daily SF, Fantasy, The Dark, Clockwork Phoenix Four and Five, and Rich Horton's Year's Best SF and Fantasy 2015. Her first collection of short stories, Shiny Thing, was published by Papaveria Press.
Salzwedel, Mark
Mark Salzwedel is a professional writer and editor living in Brooklyn, NY. He has ghostwritten two autobiographies for major publishers, and his nonfiction articles on science and health appear on a variety of websites. He is a regular contributor to the "Stranger Things of Our Minds" publication at
Satifka, Erica
Erica Satifka's short stories have appeared in Clarkesworld Magazine, Ideomancer, and the Greek newspaper supplement 9. In addition to short stories, she also runs a zine and comics distro, Black Light Diner. She lives in Pittsburgh, PA.
Saxey, E.
E.Saxey is a queer Londoner working in Universities, whose work has appeared in Apex Magazine, The Fantasist, Escape Pod and elsewhere.
Twitter: @ESaxey
Schaade, George
George Schaade is a retired history teacher living in the Big Thicket forest of East Texas. He's been an avid SF reader since he was first introduced to the genre by Robert Heinlein's Have Spacesuit, Will Travel. Although he occasionally ventures into fantasy or humor, his true passion is writing science fiction for his wife, Cathy, and anyone else that will listen.
Schreier, MM
MM Schreier is a classically trained vocalist who took up writing as therapy for a mid-life crisis. Whether contemporary or speculative fiction, favorite stories are rich in sensory details and weird twists. A firm believer that people are not always exclusively right- or left-brained, in addition to creative pursuits Schreier manages a robotics company and tutors maths and science to at-risk youth. Follow at:
Schneider, Jeremy
Contributing author.
Schultz, Claire
Claire Schultz was born and raised in New Jersey, but somehow ended up based in England, where she is a graduate student in children's literature at the University of Cambridge. She likes baking, fairy tales, and the kinds of ghost stories that keep you up at night. You can find her at, or making a fool of herself on Twitter @anotherclaire.
Schwarz, Rebecca
By day Rebecca Schwarz is a mild mannered editorial assistant for a scientific journal, by night she writes science fiction and fantasy stories. Her story Futile the Winds recently received an Honorable Mention from L. Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future contest. Read about her writing life and link to more stories at
Scott, Graham Robert
Graham Robert Scott grew up in California, resides in Texas, owns neither surfboard nor cowboy hat. His stories have appeared in Nature, Pulp Literature, Necessary Fiction, HAD, and others. His sporadically maintained blog,, is named for a species of prehistoric bear-dog, which (like the platypus) couldn’t make up its mind what it was. Graham, professor by day, identifies.
Severson, Kayla
Kayla Severson is an emerging writer who enjoys combining science fiction, horror, and fantasy in various ways. She lives in the desert with a small dog.
Shepard, Duncan
Duncan Shepard is a writer and musician living in Hartford, Connecticut, USA with his wife Chantelle. He began writing fiction in Autumn of 2022, after his father George V. Shepard passed away. This became a meaningful way to connect with his late father. Duncan hopes one day to finish writing some of the stories his father left. He sold his first story in 2023 and has been published by Hiraeth (The Hungur Chronicles), Jersey Pines Ink, and The Writers Co-op.
As a lifelong musician and songwriter, Duncan has written and released over 75 songs with his psychedelic rock band The Striped Bananas.
Instagram: @thestripedbananas
Bluesky: @thestripedbananas
Shepardson, Nina
Nina Shepardson is a biologist who lives in the northeastern US with her husband. She's a staff reader at Spark: A Creative Anthology, and her writing appears in Allegory, Luna Station Quarterly, and Page & Spine, among others. She also writes book reviews at
Sherwood, Jonathan
Jonathan Sherwood has written about science and scientists for research universities for more than two decades, and fiction for even longer. He holds a bachelors in science writing from Cornell University and an MA in English from the University of Rochester. His fiction has appeared in Asimov’s, Analog, and others, and has been translated into Chinese, Czech, and Polish.
His website is:
Shioshita, J.L.
J.L. Shioshita is a film school drop-out and occasional grunge musician currently residing in the Denver area where he works an office by day and writes by night. He's addicted to coffee, his two cats and his wife. He's also addicted to obsessively singing made up songs in an effort to drive those around him slowly insane. It appears to be working.
You can visit him at
Check out his Tumblr horror themed blog at The Horror School Dropouts.
And if you're into bad movies check out @bigboxmovieclub on Instagram which also links to the podcast he takes part in.
Simon, Marge
Contributing author.
Sirois, Al
Contributing author.
Skains, Lyle
Lyle Skains lives in North Wales (United Kingdom), with her husband, two cats, and two dogs (one naughty, one nice). She teaches writing, mostly to fund her PhD studies, and spends her spare moments making things up. When she's not writing, she's usually out taking photographs, riding horses, or playing soccer. Visit to read more of her work, scroll through her blog, or contact her.
Smith, Christian H.
Christian H. Smith is an author living in the dark, corn-fed heart of the Midwest. He has written the BLOODY BAKERSFIELD trilogy (The Black Monkey, Bloody Bloody Bakersfield, and New Salem), and his psychedelic splatterpunk novel Trip Chainsaw is coming out in 2024.
Snyder, Marissa
Marissa Snyder is a technical writer during the day and a writer of fantasy and horror stories at night. She lives in Chicago with her husband and a very tiny dog. Her stories have been featured on The NoSleep Podcast and have appeared in several anthologies by Bag of Bones Press.
Spahn, A. C.
A. C. Spahn wanted to be an interstellar starship captain when she grew up. Since nobody was hiring, she became a writer instead.
She enjoys breaking boards with her fists, organizing messy rooms, and debating the physics of fictional technologies. When not commanding imaginary starships, she lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, sons, and feline overlord.
She is the author of the USA Today bestselling sci-fi comedy Endurance: The Complete Series, the Arcane Artisans urban fantasy series, and short pieces published by Daily Science Fiction, Flash Fiction Online, Star*Line and more.
Connect with her at
Spivey, Clint
Clint Spivey spent eight years as a meteorologist in the U.S. Navy. After completing grad school, he now teaches English part-time at two Japanese universities. His work has appeared in Bastion, The Lorelei Signal, Perihelion, and Liquid Imagination.
Stanchfield, Justin
Contributing author.
Streeter, P.G.
P.G. Streeter lives with his wife and two sons in Maryland, where he teaches high school English. His previous work has appeared in Bards and Sages Quarterly, Daily Science Fiction, and StarShipSofa. He is thrilled to be featured in Electric Spec!
Follow him on Twitter at @p_g_sWrites.
Stehman, Jeff
Jeff and his wife live in the woods of northern Minnesota, where he divides the seasons into canoeing, cross-country skiing, and those few weeks in between when his writing output improves. His fiction has appeared in Daily Science Fiction, Intergalactic Medicine Show, Jim Baen's Universe, and Unidentified Funny Objects.
Steinmetz, Ferrett
The Ferrett is a graduate of both the Clarion and Viable Paradise workshops, and has had stories accepted by Asimov's, GuD Magazine, online podcast Pseudopod, and Edge of Propinquity, among others. In his spare time he blogs about puns, politics, and love at The Watchtower of Destruction and plays too damn much Rock Band.
Stone, Lucy
Lucy Stone is a freelance writer, lexicographer, and mother of one. Her work has been published in BFS Horizons, Unfading Daydream, Every Day Fiction, and Between These Shores. She has recently completed a lavish, meandering Harry Potter fanfic entitled Sympathetic Magic, and she can be found on Twitter @LucyStoneWriter. Writing fantasy stories is the most exciting part of her day. Johnson, who described a lexicographer as a 'harmless drudge', had obviously not tried motherhood.
Stone, Michael
Contributing author.
Sturner, Jason
Jason's Sturner's website is
Sugarman, Nicholas
Nicholas Sugarman is a student at CU Boulder, currently working on getting that English degree so people will hire him. He likes giant robots, movies, pretending to be a knight, and hanging out with other people's dogs.
John Sunseri lives and writes in Portland, OR, and has been spinning tales his whole life. He's been published in myriad small-press magazines and anthologies, and is the co-author, with David Conyers, of THE SPIRALING WORM. During the day he's a normal, hard-working guy, but at night...okay, he's still normal at night. But he drinks more beer then.
Suri, Miranda
Miranda Suri's work has appeared twice in Electric Spec (Nov. 2010 and Nov. 2013). In addition to writing speculative fiction, she teaches anthropology at Queens College and co-directs an archaeological field school, which takes her on adventures that would make Indiana Jones green with envy. When she's not curled up with a good book at her Brooklyn apartment, she can be found indulging one of her hobbies, which include practicing Pilates, exploring New York's culinary scene, and traveling the world.
Swed, Kate Sheeran
Kate Sheeran Swed loves hot chocolate, plastic dinosaurs, and airplane tickets. She has trekked along the Inca Trail to Macchu Picchu, hiked on the Myrdalsjokull glacier in Iceland, and climbed the ruins of Masada to watch the sunrise over the Dead Sea. She holds degrees in music from the University of Maine and Ithaca College, as well as an MFA in Fiction from Pacific University. You can find more information on her work at, or follow her on Twitter and Instagram @katesheeranswed.
Taylor, Josh
Josh Taylor is an engineering professor at the University of Toronto. His short fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in The Jersey Devil Press and The Penn Review.
You can reach him at taylor.a.josh at
Thorne, Todd
Contributing author.
Timpf, Lisa
Lisa Timpf is a retired HR and communications professional who lives in Simcoe, Ontario. Lisa’s speculative fiction has appeared in NewMyths, Tails From the Front Lines 2: The Thin Blue Line, Home for the Howlidays, Havok, and other venues. Her collection of speculative haibun poetry, In Days to Come, is available from Hiraeth Publishing. You can find out more about Lisa’s writing at
Turner, Maigen
Maigen Turner is an Electric Spec author and can be found on Twitter at
Tyler, Jay
Jay Tyler is an attorney in Charlottesville, Virginia where he lives with his wife and dog, Leo.
He has been writing for over ten years, and his fiction has also appeared in Aethlon: The Journal of Sports Literature.
Tytler, Andy K.
Originally from New York, Tytler has visited, lived, or worked on every continent except Antarctica, including serving two years in the U.S. Peace Corps. Tytler writes primarily speculative fiction but has also assisted the research on documentaries, presented papers on the autobiographical poem genre, multimodality in education, and incorporating creativity into the classroom, and is currently finishing up a doctorate in creative writing at the University of Glasgow. Not to be confused with the Victorian novelist, you can read more about Tytler's exploits at and @NotTheVictorian.
Van Pelt, James
James Van Pelt, has been selling short fiction to many of the major venues since 1989. Recently he retired from teaching high school English after thirty-seven years in the classroom. He has been a finalist for the Nebula, the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award, Locus Awards, and Analog and Asimov's reader's choice awards. Years and years ago he was a finalist for the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer. He still feels "new." Fairwood Press recently released a huge, limited-edition, signed and numbered collection of his work, THE BEST OF JAMES VAN PELT. He can be found online at or on FaceBook at
Visclosky, John
John Visclosky is a writer and aspiring ex-lawyer living in Washington, D.C. His greatest accomplishment continues to be convincing his wife to marry him. His work has previously appeared in All Worlds Wayfarer, Literally Stories, and The Literary Hatchet, among others. He can be found on Twitter @JVisclosky and @notsotruecrime.
Voorhees, Lisa
A Jersey girl at heart, when Lisa’s not writing, she’s usually listening to hard rock, bouldering, or sipping amaretto sours. Before she started writing novels, she earned her doctorate in veterinary medicine from Tufts University. Find out more about her at or . Interested in becoming a patron? Find out more about how to support her creative work and receive bonus material at
Voorhis, Calie
Calie Voorhis is an internationally published short story writer and poet, with work appearing in The Urban Green Man Anthology, Daily Science Fiction, Utopia, Strange Horizons, and other publications. Her writing often explores the intersections of the arcane and the ordinary, with recurring themes of immortality, hidden libraries, and the fragile boundaries between worlds. A graduate of the Odyssey Writing Workshop, she also holds an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University.
Website (The World's Fourth Worst Author Page Ever): .
Walk, Larissa
Larisa Walk, a native Russian, lives in California with her husband and two formerly homeless cats. She writes paranormal fiction that is more often than not populated by characters from the Russian fairy world. Her short fiction appeared in several anthologies and magazines. She has published a historic fantasy novel, A Handful of Earth, and a modern paranormal novel, A Witch Without Magic, which are available from Amazon.
Walker, Chris
Chris is a writer and lover of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and speculative fiction. His background is in the space and software engineering industries. Over the years, he's worked on spacecraft design and mission operations, astrodynamics, and control & monitoring systems. He lives in the UK with his wife, son, and two dogs. He loves good coffee and single malt whiskey, depending on the time of day.
His website is:
Walker, George S.
George S. Walker is an engineer and writer in Portland, Oregon.
His stories have appeared in Electric Spec, On Spec, Abyss & Apex, Andromeda Spaceways, The Colored Lens, Swords and Sorcery, Every Day Fiction, Kindle Vella, and elsewhere. Anthologies containing his work include Mothership: Tales from Afrofuturism & Beyond, and The Science Fiction Megapack.
His website is
Wall, Allison
Allison Wall is a queer neurodivergent writer. She has an MFA in Creative Writing from Hamline University, and she has published short speculative fiction, personal essays, and book and film reviews. She founded and runs NEURODIVERSION, a newsletter that centers neurodiverse news, research, and current events. Connect with Allison on her website, .
Wallace, Krista
Krista is a writer, actor and musician. She has her BFA in Theatre from University of Victoria, and has found her acting background invaluable for writing. In between frequent binges of writing fantasy, she sings in a jazz band, and uses her acting skills in the area of Health Professional education. She lives near Vancouver, BC, with her Incomparable Spousal Unit, awesome progeny, and two mythical creatures made of stone.
Wallace, J
J Wallace is a former postal worker, bartender and charity worker who has been published in Interzone, Kaleidotrope, Best British Fantasy and more. Read more at
Walus, Yvonne Eve
Contributing author.
Wampler, Eric
Eric Wampler lives in Madison, Wisconsin. He reads and writes fantasy, dark fantasy, and science fiction (though if he's honest, it's probably more science fantasy than science fiction).
Wang, Si
Si Wang is a software engineer and writer who lives in California with his wife, son, and chickens. His work has been published in Aurealis, Mythaxis, and Electric Spec. His hobbies include playing basketball, tabletop games, and rock songs on the guitar and piano. You can find him on Twitter as @siwang.
Webb, Mark
Mark Webb's midlife crisis came in the form of attempting to write speculative fiction at a very slow pace. His wife maintains this is a good outcome considering the more expensive and cliched alternatives. Evidence of Mark's attempts to procrastinate in his writing, including general musings and reviews of books he has been reading, can be found at his website and you can connect with him on Twitter at @webb_ma.
West, Mark
Contributing author.
White, Desmond
Desmond White writes speculative fiction in Denver, Colorado. His prose and poetry has featured in Ghost Parachute, Kasma, The Tishman Review, HeartWood, and others. When he's not writing, Des is prodding his fat, lazy cats or teaching courses about American Literature. Be wary of his blog ( and avoid his Twitter (@desmondwrite).
Wijeyeratne, Subodhana
Subodhana Wijeyeratne is a graduate student and writer living and working in Tokyo. He has had work appear in several publications; his first collection of short stories, 'Tales from the Stone Lotus', was published by Writingale Publishing in 2017. He has work appearing in the near future in Kaleidotrope, as well as Rosarium Publishing's upcoming anthology 'Sunspot Jungle'. You can find his latest information on
Williams, J. A.
Contributing author.
Wilson, Paul
Paul Wilson lives with his wife, daughter, son, and three cats, one of which actually likes him. He has worked a spectacular list of jobs including retail district manager, a 911 operator, and the head of a college security department. Paul’s first novel Cassidy Smith Book One, a fantasy western, will be released by Black Rose Writing in September 2021. His short stories "Black Cat Chocolate" and "Namesake" are currently available in the Writers Unite! Anthology Dimensions of Paranormal, published in October 2020. Theme of Absence magazine published his short story "Jack-O-Lantern's Flame" December 2020. Dream of Shadow magazine will publish his "House Without Snowmen" in their August 2021 issue. Follow Paul on Twitter: Storydweller102
Wolf, John
John Wolf is a librarian lurking in the Pacific Northwest. When he's not shelving books or processing holds, he likes making things up and putting them on paper. A graduate of Washington State University -- Vancouver, John has been writing and publishing for 8 years. He subsists on a strict diet of coffee, horror and fantasy fiction, bad movies, and podcasts. Previous work has appeared in Bards & Sages Quarterly and the anthologies Re-Haunt and Cthulhu Cheese Burger.
Yang, Margaret and Harry R. Campion
Margaret Yang and Harry R. Campion live in Michigan and have been writing together for more than a decade.
Yeh, David
David K. Yeh is based in Toronto, Canada, where he works as a youth counselor While he enjoys backwoods camping in northern Ontario, he has yet to come across human remains (he did pick up a coyote skull at a flea market the other day). "The Bog Man" is his fourth published spec fiction short story.
Yelinek, Kathryn
Kathryn Yelinek lives in Pennsylvania, where she works as a librarian. Her short fiction has appeared in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Little Blue Marble, Metaphorosis, Deep Magic, and Andromeda Spaceways Magazine, among others. When her nose isn't buried in a book, you can find her talking to birds or gazing at the stars. Visit her online at
Young, D.L.
D.L. Young is a Dallas-based SF author and ghost writer. You can follow him at or @DLYoungWriter on Twitter.
Young, L.
L. Young was born in Auckland, New Zealand and currently resides there with his family
Young, Steven
Steven Young is from rural Norfolk in the UK. He is a marine biologist working with the fishing industry and spends much of his time at sea, in either the Antarctic or somewhere tropical. This is his first published story.
Zaerr, LM
LM Zaerr is a writer and medievalist. As a professor, she wrote a book on medieval storytelling and lured students into medieval legends, where she abandoned them to challenge dragons, rescue Lancelot, and figure out how to play gwyddbwyll. Now she finds new stories and transforms old ones. Her work has appeared in Uncharted, Wyngraf, and New Myths, among other venues. Visit her at