Message from the Editors
The Little Voice by Neil James Hudson
925 Grand by Sam Kepfield
The Forms of Tommy Johnson by Sharon Dodge
Her Pale Smile by Simon Kewin
Please Reply by Steven Young
Editors Corner: Time for Turkey by Lesley L. Smith
Special Feature: Author Interview with Rob Ziegler
Column: Spec Fic in Flicks by Marty Mapes
| Volume 6, Issue 4, November 30, 2011
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Message from the Editors
It's hard to believe another year of publication for Electric Spec has gone by, but what better way to celebrate than stuffing your stocking awesome stories? If the holiday season is getting you down, Neil James Hudson's "The Little Voice" will make you think maybe your relatives aren't that bad after all. For those into sci-fi adventure and money (and who isn't?), we are happy to present "925 Grand" by returning E-Spec author Sam Kepfield. Rounding out our science fiction selection is Sharon Dodge's "Tommy Johnson's Forms." If you have a significant other who is just a bit "different," you'll appreciate this one. For those of you are looking for more chill than the winter weather can provide, "Her Pale Smile" by returning author Simon Kewin and "Please Reply" by Steven Young will leave you with just the right kind of tingles. In the Editor's Corner, our own Lesley L. Smith showcases some unusual culinary tools in "Time for Turkey". We're also very excited about our interview with Rob Ziegler, who tells us about his futuristic ecopunk novel Seed. Finally, our film critic Marty Mapes takes a look at the relationship between obsession and horror in the films of Pedro Almodovar. We hope that these stories bring you the holiday cheer (or fear) you're looking for.