Message from the Editors
Tom the Sheller by Devin Miller
The Bug in the Suit by Steven J. Dines
What Mother Never Told You by D. Lynn Frazier
Late Night Guardians and Heroes at the Wawa by Chris Doerner
The Wild Night by Aaron C. Brown
Namug by Gustavo Bondoni
Editors Corner: The Dog that Broke the Camel's Back By David E. Hughes and Lesley L. Smith
Special Feature: An Interview with author Stuart Neville
Column: Spec Fic in Flix by Marty Mapes
Volume 4, Issue 2, June 30, 2009
Message from the Editors The summer issue of Electric Spec is a bit on the dark side, as distinctively framed by our guest artist Daniele Serra in his striking cover illustration. Speaking of dark, "Tom the Sheller" gives us a dark glimpse into a world where a man can rip thoughts from another's mind-at a devastating price. "What Mother Never Told You" features zombies in the industrial world, where a zombie passing for human hides her true nature while protecting those who cannot protect themselves. Another story that will bring shivers to your spine is "A Bug in the Suit," an interstellar story featuring a really nasty bug who doesn't care much for humans-or their faces. Staying with our dark theme, "The Wild Night," presents a traditional fantasy where the unthinkable happens, and then it gets worse. "Late Night Guardians and Heroes at the WaWa," is an offbeat story about the battle between good an evil that goes unseen by mortal eyes. And in "Namug" we see how badly it can go when humans try too hard to adapt themselves to a high-grav planet. One you've finished your dark main course, you can cleanse your palate with "The Dog the Broke the Camel's Back," a story that will leave at least a ghost of a smile on your face. This issue also features a very special interview with Electric Spec author and novelist Stewart Neville and an exciting movie recommendation from our movie critic, Marty Mapes. We hope you all enjoy your summer reading! |
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